Month: <span>October 2019</span>

SAStories-2019-1018-The Art of Alfonso Ossorio
  • 18 October 2019

This 2016 Salcedo Private View exhibition provides insight into the tormented beauty of the art of abstract expressionist, Alfonso Ossorio.

SAStories-2019-1017-Print Me, Baby One More Time
  • 17 October 2019

Despairing of ever owning authentic works by the biggest names in art? Let the exciting world of multiple originals chase your collecting conundrum away.

SAStories-2019-1008-In Appreciation of the Chair
  • 8 October 2019

And while a chair is not a house, it can be a most precious and regarded treasure.

SAStories-2019-1001-Children of Men
  • 1 October 2019

'In Light Of' by Mel Cabriana and 'Aesthete' by Aldron Anchinges demonstrate the plurality of man's tenuous relationship with nature.